3 Butler Cres, Clarenville, NL Monday - Friday 8:30-4:30 1.709.466.7633

PLAR Application Form

Students may apply for recognition and exemption from any course offered within Random Sound Paramedicine Primary Care Paramedic program . It is at the discretion of Random Sound Paramedicine to grant exemptions based on the information provided by the student. Students may be exempted from a maximum of 50 % of total program courses.

The deadline for submission of documents for PLAR consideration is MINIMUM of 4 weeks prior to Orientation day. Please note; there is a $100.00 PLAR application fee.

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In order to have your prior learning considered by CHA Learning, the following information must be submitted in additional to the general application documents:

  • $100 PLAR fee
  • Transcript clearly indicating successful completion of the course and the final grade
  • Course description and syllabus which must include information pertaining to:

-The school and program in which the courses were taken

-Detailed topics of study

-Course evaluation format (exams, assignments, projects, activities, etc.)

-The number of course hours, of applicable.

Tuition for students with exemptions will vary depending on the course load carried.

If you have any questions contact us