10 Digit Phone #
A Mature Student is an applicant who does not meet the basic admission requirements. Mature Student status will be granted to an applicant provided the following conditions are met: The applicant is at least 19 years of age and has been out of school for a minimum of one year. The applicant participates in an interview process with a designated admissions representative. In the process of the interview, the applicant will be required by the college to provide the following supporting documentation: 1. Letter outlining future plans and the reasons they expect to successfully complete the program of studies 2. Personal resume 3. Letters of reference (3) iii. The applicant will be required to complete the Canadian Adult Achievement Test (CAAT).
If no, proof of English language proficiency will be required (official marks are required from the testing company)
If no, please input N/A
I hereby certify that all of the above information and all supporting documentation is complete and correct. I authorize Random Sound Paramedic Program to verify any information provided as part of this application. I understand that withholding information or providing false information in this application and/or any supporting documentation may be considered grounds for non-acceptance, or after acceptance, grounds for dismissal. I agree to follow and be bound by the regulations of Random Sound Paramedic Program, including any revisions, deletions or additions made to them in the future. If admitted I agree to pay all associated fees with my enrolment and the program.