3 Butler Cres, Clarenville, NL Monday - Friday 8:30-4:30 1.709.466.7633

Primary Care Paramedic Program – Program Information

The Primary Care Paramedicine Program is a 51 week (1524 hours) diploma program. It is divided into three semesters with two main components: didactic (in-class instruction) and clinical/ambulance practicum. The didactic component provides the students with the theory and practical/simulation hands on training they require before entering the clinical and practicum settings. The clinical and practicum component is completed on real patients in both the hospital and ambulance settings.
The Primary Care Paramedic Program consists of fourteen courses that build on each other. Successful completion of each course is required before proceeding to the next course in the program. The courses include didactic and lab/simulation hours. A part of the program students will require students to spend time in a number of clinical settings and complete a clinical practicum. Students will be assigned and will be required to travel to other locations in the province to complete their clinical and practicum hours. Students will follow the same schedule as their assigned preceptor. Travel and accommodation expenses will be the responsibility of the student. 


Random Sound Paramedicine sets tuition fees on an annual basis. Random Sound Paramedicine will require students attending the PCP program to make a minimum of three payments based on payment for each semester in advance of the semester. Upon acceptance, students must pay a registration fee of

$250.00 to confirm the seat for their program. The registration fee will be applied to the students’ overall tuition should they attend the program. For detailed information, contact us at 1-709-466-7633 or by email at [email protected]